Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Zhang Yin:
Thanks to Mao, Zhang Yin's a billionaire
It was one of China's proverbs that Mao loved to quote; women, he would say, hold up half the sky. But until the communist revolution of 1949 the Chinese had not meant it. The Chinese imperial system, famously, had been one of the most anti-feminist societies on Earth. Women had no rights, existing only to have babies and please men, the richer forced to hobble and disfigure themselves by binding their feet from birth to affirm their essential purpose - decorative daintiness.

Full view:http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2006/oct/15/comment.china

In Italy, a New Generation of Women Shows Off Power
MILAN: According to Donatella Versace, "Behind every great woman there's another great woman." She might be right, in Italy at least, where a band of sassy signoras have taken the leading positions in design, retail and marketing. It's been a long struggle over 10 years but today it finally seems the girls are getting what they want, what they really, really want. Girl power.

Full view:http://www.iht.com/articles/1997/10/17/sital.t.php?page=1

Steve Jobs:
The power of Steve Jobs
Fortune Magazine) -- Management guru Jim Collins once called Steve Jobs the "Beethoven of business." He was marveling at the Apple founder's ability, time and again, to conjure digital objects of desire from esoteric blends of chips, disks, plastic, and software, and then promote them with his own alluring brand of performance art. But Jobs might also be called its Machiavelli, a man who can bend suppliers, partners, and even industries to his will.

Full View:http://money.cnn.com/2007/11/21/news/newsmakers/power_jobs.fortune/index.htm

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